Welcome to our blog

We aim to bring you interesting and helpful information about osteopathy and complementary medicine within Bristol and beyond.......

Tuesday 17 March 2020

In these strange times...

Dear Patients
At the moment we are open and operating as normal. We are being meticulous with hygiene, wiping down all surfaces between patients. We request that all patients wash their hands with soap BEFORE as well as after having a treatment. In addition there is hand sanitiser on the reception desk.
If you feel unwell in any way, we request that you ring and cancel your appointment. You will not be charged a cancellation fee. I will post any updates or changes to our clinic as and when we get them.
In the meantime, Mala has sent a link to this insightful and measured podcast.


Tuesday 18 February 2020

Happy 20th Birthday Chandos Clinic!

Well it's a bit belated to wish you all a happy new 2020, but I do hope this finds you all well and dry. The Chandos Clinic reception area is always a little haven of warmth, and we're never averse to jackets drying on radiators. Hopefully a glorious spring is just around the corner.

Giles has cut back his work here and is now only working one day a week: Tuesdays. Inevitably he is already booking into May. A reminder that other osteopaths are available!

Our wonderful massage practitioner Maria has built up a good client list and her patients keep coming back for more. As well as working all day Fridays, she now works Weds mornings. If you want to treat someone else, she is happy to organise a credit voucher. If you are interested in seeing her, please ring reception as usual (0117 9745084) and either Pat or Deb will book you in. Her sessions are £45 / hr or £65 for 1.5/hr (cash or cheque only).

Davina continues to see patients occasional Saturday mornings.

We have 2 downstairs practise rooms, so please always let us know, when booking, if you find the stairs difficult, and we will do our best to accommodate you.

We do take cash, but if you could always try to have the correct money, it is most appreciated.

On Valentine's Day, The Chandos Clinic had it's 20th birthday! We celebrated together and are all so proud to be part of such a close, supportive and wonderful team. Giles now has a Chandos rose, white and with a lovely scent. Here's to our next decade as we aspire to bring you relief and comfort.

The Corona Virus is obviously on all our minds. We are being extra vigilant with hand-washing and there is hand gel on the reception desk. If you have any flu-like symptoms, PLEASE stay away! We see very small babies and elderly patients here. Do not think you are inconveniencing us by cancelling at short notice. We will not charge you and would much rather you re-schedule.

We look forward as always to seeing you here.