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Friday 31 October 2014

Homeopathic remedies for the winter months

 – By Gosia Gray

As we are getting closer to winter, I have highlighted some of the remedies to help you combat colds. Hopefully, those colds should last no longer than a few days!

GELSEMIUM – feeling drowsy, achy, shivery and weak.
ACONITE – taken at the onset of a cold, may reduce development of a cold or flu.
PULSATILLA-  intermittent  thick  catarrh without thirst, feeling better outdoors.
ARSENICUM ALBUM – watery catarrh with very sore burning nostrils.

Dose30c  chosen  remedy  twice daily for 3-4 days

Gosia is a highly experienced homeopath. 
If you would like to see her at the Chandos Clinic on Thursdays or Saturdays, 
please ring reception on 0117 9745084.

Saturday 25 October 2014

When brighter certainly isn't better!

Here's an article from The Guardian, revealing how 24 hour artificial light is hugely damaging to our health. Even at a household / local level, we are able to help keep the night light at bay, and how certain towns and cities are now seeing sense in the dark!


Monday 20 October 2014

Tuesday 14 October 2014

How to help support a healthy brain!

Here's an interesting article from The Guardian discussing the many mysteries of the brain and what we can do to try and keep it healthy.


Saturday 11 October 2014

WALKING is the super star!

This article from Medscape suggests that the answer to sustained fitness can be a lot simpler than gruelling hours at the gym. Read on...
