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We aim to bring you interesting and helpful information about osteopathy and complementary medicine within Bristol and beyond.......

Monday 25 November 2019

Christmas Opening and 2020 price increase.

The practitioners at Chandos Clinic have organised their diaries so I can give you good advance warning of our opening hours over the festive period.

Mon 23rd Dec. Davina available.
24th to 26th Dec: Closed.
Fri 27th Dec: Davina available.
28th & 29th Dec: Closed.
Mon 30th Dec: Barbara & Davina available.
Tues 31st Dec: Davina & Violette available.
Weds 1st Jan: Closed.
Thurs 2nd Jan: Clinic resumes as usual.

Any answer machine messages or email enquiries will of course be returned when we are open on the above days.

For the time being, Giles is not adding any patients (new or existing) to his 2020 diary. Pat or Deb will take your details and we will contact you when his schedule has been confirmed. Existing Giles appointments remain unchanged unless we contact you to say otherwise.

Please be advised that in-line with inflation, a small fee increase of £1 will take place from Jan 1st 2020. For Giles new patients (only) the increase will be £2.

With best wishes from all at Chandos.

Tuesday 5 November 2019

A little bit of haven.

Many of you who chat with me in reception know I am often escaping to isolated little huts whenever possible. Yesterday a patient let me know about a beautiful space which is on our own doorstep. Tasha at The Cedar Shed offers various treatments in her lovely bespoke building, as well as making it available for other private gatherings. Do have a look at her excellent website; just scrolling through the pages helps everything melt away!
