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We aim to bring you interesting and helpful information about osteopathy and complementary medicine within Bristol and beyond.......

Tuesday 26 May 2015

May is Osteoporosis Awareness Month!

A month ago I joined the growing band of Bristol Nordic Walkers. www.bristolnordicwalking.co.uk
If you have ever seen a tribe striding out with poles over The Downs or Ashton Court, then it's likely I will have been there. One of our instructors, Vicky, has written an excellent article on Osteoporosis, laying out very clearly the steps that all of us can take to help keep our bones whole and healthy. Read on...

Tuesday 19 May 2015

The British Gut Project.

Barbara has flagged up this interesting crowd-funded project, allowing people to find out what microbes are living in their guts (also, mouth and skin). "You are what you eat!" has probably never rung more true than when it comes to the good and bad bacteria living in our gut. Do read the article, and consider sending a sample... for you, your partner, or your whole family. Proof that pesents need never be boring!

Tuesday 12 May 2015

Exam Nerves!

Both Giles and I currently have sons sitting their GCSE exams. Although we might say our exam nerves are worse than theirs, here's an informative article from The Guardian on ways to keep the tension under control and get the best results possible.


Additionally, here at The Chandos Clinic, our reflexologist Anne Brunton offers sessions particuarly geared towards combatting exam stress.

As for Giles and I, we are both counting down the days until it will all be over (bar the waiting!)

Saturday 9 May 2015

Let them eat cake!

I have been trawling the net for over an hour, and I can't find anything that isn't Election related. So in the end, I've defaulted to a recipe! Probably not much healthy and nutritious about it, but I think we all deserve a bit of post Election comfort right now. (And when else can you get to indulge in "a melange of spices") Enjoy!
