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Monday 16 September 2019

Chandos Road Festival: Sunday 22nd September.

Just a week to go until our fifth Chandos Road Festival!  From 12 noon until 6 p.m. 22nd September, there will be a great array of street stalls (handicrafts, face-painting, henna, bric-a-brac and vintage maps and collectables among others). You will be able to sample delicious food from our pubs, cafes and restaurants. As for children's entertainments, our very own Chandos Atelier will be running fun creative activities, Louise will be here with her own stall for children and Mr Brown's Pig  puppeteer will be at the Festival with a brand new show featuring some familiar characters. Will the dragon be there too? Come and see for free! Not to mention the 2 stages with wonderful live music through the afternoon and our DJ slot, new this year. So tell your friends and come along and join in this great community event from 12 next Sunday.

The roads (Chandos, Collingwood, Cowper, Brighton and Lansdown) will be closed to traffic from 8 a.m.- 8 p.m.on Sunday 22nd September. We are now collecting bric-a-brac for our own CNA stall. This is a big money-raiser for us and helps to fund events and the floral baskets in Chandos Road. Please bring any saleable items to 47, Chandos Rd this week for sorting and pricing.

Tuesday 3 September 2019

Community Toilet Scheme

The link below gives a city-wide list and map of cafes & pubs that are participating in providing publicly available toilet facilities from their premises.

Thanks to the Clifton & Hotwells Improvement Society (CHIS) for this!