Reality check over a phone check!
The picture in this article could be my daughter, the light from her phone seeping through the duvet, first thing in the morning and last thing at night. It doesnt matter how much I rant, or plead, or bribe, she and it are inseperable. It saddens me beyond measure that this constant leeching has replaced those perfect bedtime hours lost in Jacqueline Wilson. My daughter is not alone in this addiction, judging by the figures in the article below from The Guardian, screen checking has become hard-wired for the majority of us. Occasionally I can instigate screen-free time; my tribe harrumph at first but soon we are laughing over board games and inventing new card games. Of course it doesnt last, but it's good to know that they can still operate phone free. Even though I try to enforce "no screens at the table", my eldest seems to have slipped his in to breakfast, so I'm going to introduce Rule 7. As for Rule 9, definitely the most shocking. Really??!!